Ontario is one of the most beautiful places to explore the great outdoors! One of the best ways to experience Ontario’s splendour is by going camping at Ontario parks!
If you’re a first time camper, it’s important to learn the basics of what to do when camping and these camping safety tips before you go. Even as experienced campers, we’ve found it’s always a good idea to brush up on our Ontario camping knowledge from time to time!
The camping tips in this article are specific to Ontario Parks camping, but the ideas behind camping etiquette can be applied to any camping trip!
Following these best practices while camping will help you to have fun, stay safe, minimize your impact on the environment and help other campers have a good time too!
Prepare for Your Camping Adventure
Before your trip, follow these steps to set yourself up for a great experience on your Ontario Parks camping trip:
- Check the weather before you go and pack appropriate clothing and gear.
- Research ahead of time to find out what kind of wildlife you need to be prepared for, check for fire bans and get recommendations for hiking trails and beaches!
- Make sure to pack all the necessary equipment, food and drinking water you will need for your Ontario camping trip. If you are new to camping, check out Ontario Parks Learn to Camp for information about camping basics!
- Pack with less waste! To be more eco friendly, bring reusable water bottles, plates and cutlery. You can also do some meal prep and make treats at home ahead of time and pack them in reusable containers.
- Have a safety plan. Travel with a first aid kit, a map, food and water and let someone know where you’re going!

Ontario Campfire Safety
Always remember that your fire is your responsibility, before you settle in to enjoy the flames…
- Check for any fire bans where you’re camping.
- To prevent the spread of invasive species in Ontario parks, only use local firewood.
- Don’t gather firewood from around your campsite to burn. The dead wood on the ground is important to the wildlife in the campground and in maintaining the natural environment.
- Make sure that someone is always watching your fire while it’s burning and put it out completely when you’re done.
- Keep a close eye on children around campfires. Always have an adult nearby and be sure to teach kids about how to stay safe around a campfire!

Ontario Parks Campsite Cleanliness
Keep your campsite clean to avoid visits from unwanted visitors like raccoons or bears!
- Put everything away during the night and anytime you’re away from your site. Items used for cooking, garbage bags and anything with a smell that could attract wildlife should be kept in your vehicle or trailer (not in your tent).
- Wash dirty dishes as soon as you finish eating and properly dispose of the dishwater down vault toilets or at a trailer sanitization station.
- Use a garbage bag to collect all of your trash. Properly dispose of your trash and recycling in the bins provided by the park. Do not leave garbage out at your campsite or in your fire pit.
- Leave sticks, leaves, pine needles and other natural elements as they are on your campsite to maintain the natural state of the campground.
- Check over your campsite before you go and leave your site cleaner than you found it.

Respect Wildlife at Ontario Parks
Campgrounds are home to many different animals. Here are some ways to minimize your effects on wildlife while exploring Ontario Parks:
- Don’t feed the animals. Wild animals who are fed start to expect more food, coming closer to people and campsites. This can lead to animals being hit by cars and potentially unsafe encounters between humans and animals.
- Leave nature as you find it to preserve wild habitats.
- Observe and enjoy wildlife from a distance. Approaching animals can cause them stress or potentially make them defensive towards you.
- Photograph wildlife with caution by keeping your distance and staying on the trail. Do not try to bait animals with scents or calls and don’t alter your surroundings to get a better shot.

Ontario Parks Hiking Etiquette
Hitting the trails while camping? Here are some things to keep in mind:
- Stay on the trail. Leaving the trail can harm sensitive plants that are growing nearby and hurt the ecosystem. Staying on the path also minimizes your chances of getting lost or coming into contact with poison ivy or ticks.
- Enjoy the nature around you through photographs and memories only! Changing the natural landscape affects how wildlife interacts with the environment and can be harmful to them both.
- If you pack it in, pack it out! Don’t leave anything behind on the trail including garbage, food scraps, tissues, pet waste, etc.
- Be courteous to other hikers. Make sure you leave enough space when passing people on the trail. Stick to the right of the trail as you pass others coming towards you. If you are overtaking someone on the trail, let them know you’re approaching and then pass them on the left.

Respect Fellow Campers
Keep these tips in mind so everyone can have a great time while camping!
- Keep the noise down. If you’re playing music at your campsite, keep the volume down so others can enjoy the sounds of nature. Make sure to respect park quiet times and radio free zones.
- Keep your dogs on a leash at all times when camping and on the trails. Many Ontario parks have designated leash free zones and dog beaches for your pup to run around.
- Be kind to everyone around you! We could all use a little kindness and it can go a long way in making someone’s camping experience a good one!

Now that you’re an expert in camping etiquette, it’s time to book your Ontario Parks campsite and enjoy the thrill of Ontario camping!